Welcome to MicRoBiology lab!
PI: Dr. Maxim Rubin Blum
We study the molecular ecology of aquatic microorganisms
at the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research - IOLR and the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences at the University of Haifa.
Our ongoing projects include:
Restoration of deep-sea habitats (2024)
MRB lab participates in the Restoration of Deep-sea Habitats to Rebuild European Seas (REDRESS). This project will seek to make a fundamental contribution to the EU's efforts to restore degraded ecosystems, specifically deep-sea ones (European Union)
Microbial indices in marine monitoring
Microbial indices for the monitoring of marine environmental status and implement them in the National Monitoring Program (Ministry of Science and Technology - Israel, the National Monitoring Program of the Israeli Mediterranean Waters)
Deep-sea gas and brine seeps in the Mediterranean Sea
Discovery of new Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea (MERCI)
Taxonomic and functional repertoire of microbes in gas and brine seeps offshore Israel (ISF)
The sphere of influence and functionality of brine seeps (Ministry of Energy, Israel)
New mechanisms of carbon fixation in bacteria
Molecular ecophysiology of microorganisms with two carbon fixation pathways funded by the Binational Science Foundation (BSF).
Degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons
Effects of crude oil and gas-condensate pollution on pelagic food webs at the Israeli Mediterranean Sea (Ministry of Energy, Israel)
Evaluating the implications of condensate spills and their treatment in the coastal water of the Mediterranean Sea offshore Israel (The Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel).

Dr. Maxim Rubin Blum